Thursday, July 29, 2010

Repetitive Marketing- Effective tool for Social Media Too!

There is a lot of “clutter” associated with advertising. For the consumer, it is everywhere; on magazines, in newspapers, on TV, on the radio, online, billboards, buses, shop signs, etc. “Every single day, consumers are exposed to over 3,500 advertisements.” With that amount of competition, how you make sure your ad grabs their attention? How do you help a consumer remember your brand?

Marketing experts suggest that “consumers need to see your message between seven and twelve times before they even pay attention to it.” This is why repetitive marketing is key. When you advertise online, say on Hulu for example, it is important not just to have your ad run once or twice. Consumers need to see it many times in order to remember it. Magazine, newspaper, and television ads work the same way. Consumers need to see them many, many times before they register and remember your brand. 

Successful campaigns practice this idea of repetitive marketing. For example, the “Got Milk?” campaign runs virtually the same ad in magazines all across the country, and everyone can tell you what their ad looks like. Having a jingle or characters can help with repetitive marketing since it helps people remember. The Geicko gecko is an example of this.

Repetitive marketing is effective on social media networking sites too. If you are engaged in several different social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn you are more likely to attract people’s attention since they can “friend” you on all the different sites. This is an easy and free way to get more exposure over a wider area.  It works the same way as traditional promotions.  The more people are exposed to you and your brand, the more likely they will think of you when you need your product or services. Email marketing can be effective as well. The key is to build your email list from people who visit your site and to offer them interesting and informative email content.

About Me

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Glen Andrade
I started Digital Synergy in 1997 as a web design and development company. As the industry changed, we kept right on pace with the latest developments especially with search engine marketing. I am actually a pretty laid back kind of guy... usually like to keep to my self for the most part, but with the advent of social media taking over web marketing, I had no choice but to thrust myself into this awesome medium as it offers so many great opportunities that were not available in terms of marketing just a few short years ago.
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