Saturday, February 6, 2010

Using Facebook for marketing

The Facebook demographic began as mostly teenagers. The statistics through 2009 show 40% of users were age thirteen to eighteen. Women outnumber men by a slim margin, but the age demographic has changed. The category of age thirty-five to fifty-four has grown significantly and as of 2010 there are over eighteen million users over the age of forty-five. This change in demographic will affect every company fan page as well as the advertising offered. Brands such as Victoria Secret’s Pink fan page that catered to the teenager/college-aged crowd have garnered extremely large, dedicated followings.
According to social marketing experts, “Some brands cannot expect huge followings on Facebook. Brands or product lines targeting the demographic most prominent on Facebook tend to see the quickest growth.” Many political analysts believe that a large part of the reason President Obama won the last campaign was because he marketed himself to the younger generations using Facebook, Twitter, and other social media networks. Encouraging the young voters to become involved in politics and share their concerns with him led him to be viewed as a modern candidate who was in touch with their needs.
Although contests, giveaways, and other advertising methods can be useful for increasing the size of your Facebook fan page, this type of approach has a quick growth then stagnation period usually. It is much better to provide quality content and grow “organically” for an engaged and active fan base. Word-of-mouth will serve you much better in the long run than a month-long ad campaign. Creating a Facebook fan page isn’t difficult to do, but it can have a huge impact on the success of your company.


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About Me

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Glen Andrade
I started Digital Synergy in 1997 as a web design and development company. As the industry changed, we kept right on pace with the latest developments especially with search engine marketing. I am actually a pretty laid back kind of guy... usually like to keep to my self for the most part, but with the advent of social media taking over web marketing, I had no choice but to thrust myself into this awesome medium as it offers so many great opportunities that were not available in terms of marketing just a few short years ago.
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